Driving Strikers brings online multiplayer to the Dreamcast for the first time in over twenty years! Enjoy 4-player car football action in-person or over the internet using your Modem or Broadband Adapter.
Are your friends not rad enough to own a Dreamcast? It’s your lucky day… Driving Strikers features cross-play between Dreamcast, Windows, and Linux!
And when we say worldwide, we mean it. Players from any country on the planet can play together, and even mixed matches between 50 Hz and 60 Hz players are supported without issue!
We all play games. Why don’t we play together?
English not your first language? Driving Strikers is also fully playable in Français, Deutsch, Español, Italiano, and Português.
Enhanced for Dreamcast
The Dreamcast version of Driving Strikers is highly optimised to make full use of the console’s hardware, running at native 640 x 480 resolution with anamorphic widescreen support. Well worth checking out if you have a 16:9 TV!

Region Free
Whichever region Dreamcast you own, Driving Strikers will adjust itself to match. Every video mode is fully supported including PAL (50 Hz or 60 Hz) and NTSC, and you can even make use of a VGA cable to unlock the beautiful 480p mode!
Features & Modes
- Single-player Quick Match and League
- Online multiplayer (2-4 players)
- Local multiplayer (1-4 players)
- Optional AI-controlled cars
- Six unique stadiums
- Eight car designs
- Autosave to VMU (required – 2 blocks)
- Jump Pack support
- Online League Table

Online Details
- Online multiplayer is completely free!
- Matchmaking server finds you games quickly
- Lobby chat with keyboard support
- Chat in English, German, Dutch, Spanish, French and Italian!
- Support for multiple Dreamcasts on one local network
- DMZ or port forwarding required to host games